Telecommunication Industry

Modern drone technology is the key to enhancing your technicians’ productivity. By working together with your team, drones can help you achieve more throughput with less guesswork and less time spent on the tower. Eye-bot Aerial Solutions brings you the technology and techniques.

Eye-bot is an FAA certified and fully insured commercial drone service provider with a staff that truly understands the needs of the telecom industry. We deliver state of the art inspection, monitoring, aerial surveys, and 3D modeling – full benefits with none of the hassle.

Here’s what you can expect when you work with us:

Complete Asset Audits

It’s never been easier to get accurate, comprehensive information on your assets. We offer precise high-res photos and videos or 3D reality modeling accurate to less than an inch.

Routine Inspections

Signal interference causing a poor connection? Uncover the real problem with routine inspections that will help you meet your SLAs and compliance commitments. We provide full reports that summarize our findings at a glance.

Tower Analysis Using 3D Models

Get measurements, tower integrity data, and the lean or sway information you need to improve your performance. Complete 3D modeling takes the guesswork out so you can cut costs and accelerate your project timelines.

Vegetation Encroachment Surveys

Perform vegetation surveys or other property management tasks faster than ever. Eye-bot can even survey between antenna locations without needing access to the property. The process is simple and delivers clear, actionable results each time.

Emergency Response

Mitigate equipment failures by getting to the root of the problem. It could take seconds to diagnose an issue that would go unresolved for days using traditional approaches.

Eye-bot Works with You to Meet Your Needs from Start to Finish

No matter whether you want to survey a new site, calculate wind and ice loads, or even measure antenna alignment with geospatial 3D models, Eye-bot has the technology and insight you need.

There’s no equipment to buy or lease. Our highly-trained operators and engineers absorb the costs of the latest technology and training, so the very best in drone services is at your disposal whenever you need it. We extend your availability and coverage area without adding complexity.

To learn more, just contact Eye-bot Aerial Solutions.